Blog > Safety film > Master security film installation: avoid pitfalls and follow best practices

Master security film installation: avoid pitfalls and follow best practices


Security window film is an invaluable ally in protecting your property from shattered glass and attempted break-ins. However, to exploit its full potential, it's important to install it correctly. This article will focus on the pitfalls to avoid and the steps to follow for successful security film installation. Whether you're an expert in the field, or a homeowner looking to improve the security of your property, you'll find these tips invaluable, so get ready to discover the common mistakes you shouldn't make, and the best practices you can use to guarantee the effectiveness of your security film.

Pitfalls to avoid: mistakes to avoid when installing safety films

Not pre-cutting film

Failure to pre-cut safety films can result in uneven cuts, uneven edges and difficult installation, compromising the safety and aesthetics of the glass. Not to mention the time wasted cutting directly on site.

Using the wrong tools

Using the wrong tools, such as an inadequate squeegee or excessive application of soap, can cause scratches, bubbles, difficult installation and a poor end result.

Removing the liner at the wrong time

Removing the liner too soon can cause wrinkling and distortion of the film, affecting its adhesion and appearance.

Improper glass cleaning

Insufficiently clean glass can trap dirt and particles under the film, impairing its transparency. Water bubbles caused by poor cleaning are not only aesthetically unpleasant, they can also cause film adhesion problems, compromising its safety function.

Not applying enough pressure

Insufficient pressure on the film can leave air pockets and non-adhesive areas, reducing the film's security effectiveness.

For flawless safety film installation: best practices to follow

Anticipate worksite realities

For successful installation, it's essential to take into account the specifics of each job site, such as glass size, environment and weather conditions.

Preparing the work surface

Proper installation requires meticulous preparation, including pre-cutting the film, protecting electronic components, and minimizing the effect of film folding. Solar Screen offers a custom-cutting service, enabling you to receive your films pre-cut to the size you need, for significant time savings.

Choosing the right tools

Choosing the right tools to install your security films is a crucial step towards a good result. To help guide you, we've compiled a list of tools to use when cleaning and installing security films. You'll find them in the SOTT catalog:

  • Waterbomb: Part no. 550-WB10
  • Film on: Order No. 600-F0355
  • Polishing paper: Order no. 300-040
  • Power hand: Part no. 150-055B
  • Cutter: Order no. 100-PA-2
  • Angle super scraper : Référence 300-015
  • Unger squeegee set: Part no. 300-RT01

Adapting the marouflage technique

The best way to work with safety films is to roll from top to bottom and from the middle to the sides. These movements ensure uniform film adhesion and the elimination of air bubbles.

Push firmly on the film during installation

By insisting on adequate pressure when applying the film, you ensure a solid bond and a flawless finish.

Use scaffolding

The use of scaffolding, unlike a ladder, offers essential stability when installing safety films, improving safety and the quality of the work.

In conclusion, safety film installation is a crucial step in protecting and securing your property. To avoid common mistakes and guarantee a successful installation, follow the best practices we share in this article. If you'd like to know more about our films or have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. Finally, to stay informed and see our demonstrations in action, we invite you to check out our latest Instagram Reel dedicated to security films.

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